

Sunday, July 13, 2014

"Small editings are done frequently but complete updation of this blog is done lastly on 2nd may 2015."

Hi friends....Howz u?? fine?? well thats awesome ;)

                MY INSPIRATION HAS ALWAYS                                                 BEEN :

                       ASHCHARYA BANSAL SIR



SASMEETA TRIPATHY  MAM. (I.T.E.R Faculty)              


I am VINAY PRASAD from Ghatotand, Ramgarh. 

I did matriculation from Holy Cross School ,
passed my intermediate in M.G.M.H.S.S (Bokaro) and pursued B.Tech from Institute of Technical Education & Research(ITER) ,Odisha. And I belong to GENERAL category(OBC Creamy layer).

So are you ready for take off?? letss start....;)
There is lots of things to share but I'm cutting down many things...coz firstly I don't want to waste your time and secondly I don't like TYPING work... :D

If you are parents or teachers ,I sincerely request you to go through TEXT BOXES in right side of this page named as "REQUEST TO TEACHERS / PARENTS" after going through this blog..

This is for all average students for whom I want to give a very important message. Whatever I am writing each and every word has importance...kindly take a note of that!!!!


Practice good number of numerical solving using virtual calculator in your home before exam. Always type "=" button after inputing expressions. For example if you type 1/(4-2) in virtual calculator, then you can see while typing as you input ending bracket ')' , it will display value '2' in the solution row. But that is not the answer. Answer comes when you finally press '=' button. This seems not a big issue, but people are doing these mistakes. Try to do only simple calculation using calculator. Avoid typing big big expressions as there are certain rules needed to be followed while you use virtual calculator. So, chance of error is minimized if you avoid big expressions use. Go through both the links below to know more about rules. One is pdf file and other is video having some more info.

1.  (PDF)
2.  (VIDEO)

My story begins.... 

Upto class 9th , I was an average student,like getting a pass mark was like....'' woww I did it :D''..That time I never wanted more than that. I never listened in my class and never tried to understand the topics taught to me..I just used to mug them up on previous night of exam. This way things went on upto class 9. After that I thought about my parents anger,tension,stressed condition seeing my results. I gave a thought about toppers of my class esp. Kunal(talented guy) :p ,how well they listen in class and understand things and not byheart them. That moment a real fear waved across my whole body.

I decide to change everything..I took all science books from class 6 to class 9...and understood it page by page..(any questions??  let me guess....Why I choose only science.?? Is it? ok..Then here is the answer...because this is the only subject for understanding concepts).
During summer holidays after class 9 , I understood each concepts myself using DICTIONARY ,ENCYCLOPEDIA and INTERNET.
Then when I entered class 10 , I was  the one who listened each and every things in class very carefully...some teachers did notice the change in me and appreciated me infront of whole class..esp. MISS NAMRATA..(my chemistry teacher)..
CLASS 10 results?? I was within top ten in my class...yes I got once 99 marks in math  and got highest in chemistry. I scored 89% in class 10 board.That was a very big thing for me because upto class 9 I just managed to get 50% or even less anyhow.
Then I entered class 11. And I was first time out of my home ,in hostel. So again I deviated from studies and again DISASTER...I got 70% in class 12 board. I didnot cleared any competitive exams like IITJEE, AIEEE ....etc
I just cleared SAAT, KIIT entrance exam, and ODISHA JEE with good rank...(because questions were very easy)..I got 420 rank in SAAT (ITER ENTRANCE EXAM)...So I joined ITER..(which comes under Deemed university but private). But I must say for both ITER and KIIT (both private and coming under deemed university)  placement record are very good but most are placed in IT sector.

Now again I promised myself to concentrate in my studies, so I did always manage to secure above 9 point..inspite of problems like hairfall (well..may be it sound silly to you, but it actually was bothering me heavily that time, for which I went to dermatologist in Apollo ranchi and this helped me to great extent) . Moving on, since I was fully determined I worked harder .  I got overall CGPA 9.79(I was among top 10 rankers of mech iter..hey apna tarif nai kr rahe hum, sach bata rahe hai taki you can feel the effect of hard work) and if you do hard work kisi v college ke topper ban jaoge chahe jitna v strict ho wo. I guarantee. And my GATE 2014 AIR 575 based on which I got IIT Kanpur . I also got call from barc in 2014In 2015 , I have again got call in barc from 2014 GATE score  ,as in 2015  I filled barc application giving all three choices like GATE 2014,GATE 2015 and barc online test., for increasing chances to be called. I qualified for both GATE 2014 as well as gate 2015 (not qualified in its online test) but since , I gave gate 2015 and have 780 gate score, then in case I am not selected again this year(2015) , I can apply again through 2015 score in 2016 as well as 2017 (since from 2015, gate validity is 3yrs). 
 I did my GATE preparation(from MADE EASY) from 7th semester and managed to get rank in the same year of completion of B.Tech degree. I should say teachers of mechanical are really good of ITER. Basics which I listened in my class of ITER helped me alot in understanding things more easily in MADE EASY.

And I got IIT kanpur for M.TECH in THERMAL AND FLUID ENGG.

ONE MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE, always give first preference to IITs , then to NITs , and then to any other state government college and lastly to private college (private college only after trying harder and enough for govt and not selected). This I am saying for both B.TECH as well as M.Tech admissions and also keep in mind placement records. Even if private colleges award more percentage as compared to govt. but then also at present scenerio , this is of not much use. 

Those who will get IIT /NIT for , they must go to that without thinking anything. Because life at IIT /NIT is more than awesome. The value which you will get will be mind blowing. So, if you can get IIT/NIT skip the next para and start from ***** sign because now whatever I will tell  in next para is for state govt vs private colleges. 

I am not saying those who do from private colleges have disadvantage because I too did from private college only and that was really good in everything esp. teaching. But I did because I didnot get any govt. college for  Obviously those who donot get govt college after huge and repeated effort, have no other option than to join private college. But I am just saying that if you have an option between govt and private college, always choose government college because their is always a little bit more good perception for govt college students than private, of companies as I feel . For those who have no other option than (even after hard attempts) and who join  private college, donot worry yaar because you can crack GATE and get into IITs for M.Tech afterwards to get feel of IIT or even you will get good good PSUs. Just score high in gate and give good performance in interviews and you will crack it because many do, I have seen. Their is no official rule of giving extra weightage to govt college students in PSUs . 

Friends no-one is weak or is intelligent or brilliant......I proved na that a weak student can go to IIT kanpur....then, why can't you? Just keep these points in mind--

 Note:  these points are continously updated by me as it comes to my mind, so kindly visit regulary and have a look to these points !!


1.  Use INTERNET (Google Search)  to clear your doubts and yes some topics you   will get very easily on net but some may require enough search,for those try using good keywords while googling. It will give you good and easy explanations, along with images ,youtube videos,yahoo answers, having IIT notes and IIT  videos of lectures etc & (4-5 google search results links should be viewed atleast for a searched topic). You will get answer to every problem on net but always have a habit of trying yourself first to solve it,after so many unsuccessful attempts you can refer net for sure. Things you can understand yourself by applying your brain and giving time, should always be tried without help of net...This will help you building your confidence and optimizing your thinking capabality. Use net for sure, but try yourself first after that you can go for internet for following:

-> To check whether your understanding is correct 
-> And also to have more exploration on that topic!!
Regarding books, it is not that you will always get all books in net, but surely if you will search topicwise any topic of any book, you will surely get something. 

***A very good and helpful website for E-learning with very easy explanation...esp. for engineering students( )--"" , offering free online courses , lecture notes ,videos, materials ,gate materials and much IITs...Sometimes it may be difficult to search the particular topic in any subject by going to nptel site..In that case you can type ''topic name <space> NPTEL'' in google search and you can directly land to that page in nptel site this way ;)    If you have slow net, then you can go through lecture Notes in nptel sites (web) and for its videos you can directly download it as nptel site give download link or those nptel videos are available in youtube also in youtube and download it from youtube using . Both notes+video are important and thats what experts say. Please see this video by an ex-IES  on how to crack GATE exam.  


2.  Try to clear your doubts by yourself...even if it take very long time...then also try it everywhere , in every books and whatever....In the process you will not only get your doubts cleared but will also get to know lotzz of new concepts and bht acha lagta hai jab khud se doubt clear ho jaye...:) and after these attempts if not cleared then go to teacher..

3.  Listen each and every word of teacher in class and understand. Ask doubts if any immediately....and it may be the case(as also with me) that you may not catch up the speed with which teacher is going then either you tell them to slow down (after class) or you try to understand it after you get back to home. As I too didnot get many times anything in class but when I get back and try to read by myself, I understand those.. Understand as much as you can in class so that finally when you will read that from other sources,(books,net etc) ,that little understanding will help you!!
As listed in IIT KANPUR about the expectation from students...that it is possible that some students understand topics very easily while some may find it very difficult and this depends on the background(previous college) ,which students come from!! Institute understand, this problem of students and thus expect from us that if it is difficult to understand for us, we should give more time to study as compared to others who easily get the things taught in class...others may require 1 hr to understand while some can require upto 4 hr for same topic, but this is not the thing to worry..just give time proportional to your requirement!!

4.  Use your college library for getting good books and even buy some if not present in library. For the name of good books, refer to the Link 2 (S.K Mondal sir questions) in the last section of this blog. In that you will find one pdf named as "Important topics for gate". In that you will find the name of good references. You may also search for books in ''GOOGLE BOOKS''  AND ''GOOGLE DRIVE'' online (in either of these two you will surely find good book)...and read books page by page and line by line from starting of the chapter....then you will feel like you are talking to the book... :)

Any non-made-easy student who want to buy made easy books like prev year solved gate book or any other, can follow either of 2 procedures in .

5.  Do please join MADE EASY , the best institute for preparation of GATE. Their class room program,lectures are awesome. And whether you join at 1st,2nd ,3rd ,4th year or after completing your its upto you..

6.  And do surely give online test series of made easy even if you join or unable to join it due to some reason...(however joining it, is recommended by me)..ya that is for made easy as well as non-made easy students,just you have to pay some fee online "". This is timer based test and what I did was just open test and just used print scrn to save all the questions by just navigating all the questions and then just close the window after all question are saved..then I solve each and every question taking my own time because I believed that to solve the question by giving enough time to it, is more important at initial phase than solving it within time limit..And ya for the questions which required any new concepts, I read them parallely and solved then after...And after I have solved all answer , I again logged into test series and continue it and just input all the answers and see the result(this also build confidence of getting good marks however I understand its not that correct). This was my procedure but only at starting phase. Again I repeat , this procedure I followed ONLY AT STARTING PHASE. As I gained confidence I started giving test within TIME-LIMIT AND WITHOUT REFERRING NOTES.
 They will give you full solution of each test as you complete that particular by one... 

Note: When you give tests within time-limit, it is possible that you skipped question which you actually could have solved if time was more so, please after you complete test donot jump to see the full solution. First again try the questions which you were either unable to make while giving test or was incorrect, giving enough time. Then after trying,  you can view the solution.

 In last 2 months I mainly focused on online test series..and really speaking questions in online test series contains every possible type of numericals. I think reading only theory will be bit boring. So, do numericals and whatever thoery is needed then, read it parallelly thus helping you in understanding theory's application too... and ya this is more interesting.




NOTE: Even if you adopt method like solving numericals and parallelly read theory which come -up, it is recommended to also have a rough look at theory notebook after wards to check if any theory is not left, whose numericals possiblly you didnot come across and moreover theory also comes in gate exam, however theory may be very less in number compared to its numericals, but 1 or 2 marks is also like difference in rank upto 300-500), so it is important to do every theory ,so this check is needed. And it is not necessary that u follow what I say, if u want to do all theory first, and then go to numericals, go ahead!!!

7.  Understand each & every step of any derivation (whether integration,differention or whatever method) so that even you forget the result, you can derive it any time.

8. While solving numericals, first try to solve it yourself even if you have solutions available...after trying alots and for long....if you are unable to solve then see the of any question will look very simple, but to get to that solution, one has to try harder...If you just look at solution directly, I bet ,you will find it very easy, as everything will be written there in systematic manner but when that same problem if you try to solve in exam, you will not understand from where to START!!...that is what happens when you don't try yourself to try first that you get exposed to all doubts...then if unable to solve, see solution ,but even after seeing and understanding solution, you should try to solve it without seeing... :)


10.  If you feel boring while studying theories...go for solving numericals and side by side whatever theories involved in that numericals , go through them...this way you will get to know theories also and their application in numericals too and this is more interesting... :)

11. Sometimes it so happens that  you are continuously trying to understand any particular concept again & again and then also fail to get it...then take a break for that particular topic and again try after hours or days. But give time to any topic in a manner it donot affect your result badly means if you donot understand any topic fully after lots attempt,donot stick to it, as you have others topics too to prepare. Sometimes considering time and result factor, it is acceptable if you leave any topic with little understanding. Ultimately good result in exam also matters. Sometimes for some topics deep research is avoided(only for those topic which take huge time,obviously but normal understanding is must) as once said by Bansal sir '' avi very deep research karoge toh baad mein research krne layak nai rahoge :D :p ''. By this he just meant deep understanding is must but parallely take care of time factor as ultimately you have to get very good rank in exams which will contains each and every topics. Once you get good job or iits, then you can do research in topics which you didnot understand previously. :)

12. Always clear others will help you building up your concept..more strongly. Be a hardworker and help others if they ask for. Then only God too will help you.! If you don't put your efforts ,noone is going to help you out.

13.  If you cant study continuously...then do it with gaps of entertainment, fun , no matter how often or shortly you take gap. But even if you spend minimum of say, 2 hrs in a whole day, do that sincerely and with full understanding but try to give sufficient time. My recommendation is minimum 3 to 4 hrs a day you should give to study. 

14.  It may not be possible sometimes to understand fully and completely something which you are reading for the first time..that time try your best,  but don't take over stress...understand as much as possible and again after some days read it. As many times you go through the same topic, that number of times you will discover new things about it.

15.  Sometimes you may may come across big theorems for complicated functions. Lets say it involves some function f(x). Then try to check that theorem for small function f(x)=x^2..(in the same way as you do when you come across expression like (x^2)*(x^7), to confirm that you have to add power to get result by letting x=2 or anything and checking whether (2^2)*(2^7)=2^(2+7) or not ;) ,this seems silly example, but now this is only in my mind !) of course  theorem proof also you should know. Try to prove area of circle as pi r^2 using integration technique taking circular element at radius r of thickness dr. Try to prove in similar manner circumference length and why did you use angle as radian and not degree while giving limit of integration in deriving circumference?  You must always come across infinite series expansion for e^x, sin x, cos x etc. Just give it a thought. Take x=2 and find in calculator value for e^2 now just put x=2 in the infinite series expansion...first add first two terms...note the result, then add first 3 terms, note the result and compare continously with what you obtained in calculator. As you move on,the result will be more closer to calcultor based obtained value. Thus,series is converging to actual matter sum of how many terms from first you will not go beyond actual value. Now think of person who found these series...isnt it amazing discovery!! These small small attempts will give you confidence.

16. Please also buy  HANDBOOK of made easy for helps alot esp. for fast recaping at final hours. Because of this I was able to answer 2-3 questions within seconds since I gave it a look just before going for gate exam. (this book should only be used for recaping and not as the only book for reference i.e; you should use other made easy books or good books suggested by teachers as main reference book.)

17. For any doubts you can mail me in id given at end of page or contact Ashcharya Bansal sir on fb(link given at end of page) or contact any iit professor through mail,as they surely reply to doubts.You can get their mail ids from iits sites.

18. One IIT professor said ''Writing has its own memory''. So keep understanding and write parallely what you prepare in rough copy..

19.  Sometimes some theories or theorems are easily understandable by, first going through the problems/numericals(given at the end of chapter or elsewhere) in which it is applied , and then going into its theory elaborately from books..(even if you understand by seeing just one example, it is recommended to go through its theory too after that, to be able to apply that broadly in all types of numericals you come across..before hand seeing an example, will just make your work easier).

20. Imagine things, while solving said by one of the 8th ranker of GATE...

21. After understanding any theory, it is must that you try to apply it and see if it is working or not For ex. if you know a particular long procedure for solving a problem, but somewhere you come across theory which explains shorter way to arrive at the solution, then you should apply it and actually check in any numerical of book or your own framed question. This boost your confidence....  

22.   A site may be very useful to you which contains all gate materials '' ''.

23.  Every quantity you deal with has 'units' and you have to carefully deal with the units! (meters,watts etc).


25. CTRL+F is a very good command to search any thing on any page, whether is e-book or any site.

26. See in my M.Tech, I got huge help from "google books". Search there topic wise is also easy. Moreover, good reference book either from library or pdf file from internet(if available) helped me alot. In case your teachers book are available,do refer that. Following are some of the books I referred in my M.Tech.

--K Muralidhar's book of advanced fluid mechanics helped me alot in viscous theory.
--P.Ghoshtastidar book for conduction and radiation.
--Dale A Anderson book for CFD.(pdf available on net)
--J.D Anderson for again CFD.(pdf available on net)
--Heat transfer by CENGEL for convection. (pdf available on net)
-- K A Hoffman for CFD. (pdf is available in as "K A hoffmann pdf")

27.  Doing assignments by myself, without help of any body except teachers, helped me alot in B.Tech as well as M.Tech. (very imp).

28. Look every theories which you read, most are presented in a slightly twisted way, but its you who have to see to it in a simpler way. 

29. Whenever you give advice to others, keep yourself in other's place and think what you would have done. Don't give blind advices, which you yourself would not have been able to follow,if you were in that place.

30.  Always have interactions with teachers. It will help you building up confidence in the subject and also you will establish positive impression. Even in IIT also I always interacted with teachers via e-mail, face to face whenever I had  doubts or sometimes just.

31. Always have an attitude that "WHY CANNOT I, IF OTHERS CAN" and once you start developing this attitude and perform well, you will see others talking abut you, praising you then automatically you will always try to be good at studies, to maintain your good reputation on others. :)

32. As long as postures of studying is concerned like whether to study on bed or chair well, I would say you can follow any one you like but on condition that you do not feel sleepy, you are comfortable, and can concentrate fully on your study.

33. You may get online solvers on searching net. For example if you to know solution of long differential equation , hyou search for "online differential equation solver" in google. Make use of these if needed. 

34.  Always have a habit of solving aptitude questions (may be of high level) which are asked in various placements, interview etc in your free time. Not all the time but atleast for sometimes you can go for it. It will keep your brain in exercising mode and you will also feel utilizing your long boring vacations a bit. Use net to get these questions. Try to solve by your own.

35.  Sometimes when I take some thing (light) to eat in some intervals during study, I find it relaxing to brain and avoided headache as it increases your energy level. So if you want can try this sometimes especially when you are applying your brain heavily on some topics. 

36.  Studying just for getting marks is not that good. Rather while studying if you also try to feel that you are adding something to your knowledge which will surely help you in future then it becomes more interesting. 

37.  While revising your subject, in case you have time, then its a good habit to do as follows:

       Suppose you started with one topic, then first think  in mind without seeing your note, about all concept and derivation involved in that subject and then see your note and compare. This will let you get an idea of how much your brain has a hold ,on that topic. 

38.  Lastly , have a competitive spirit i.e, always try to be best than others but not by letting others down rather by letting yourself up.

It is not necessary that what I follow, what I adopt will be equally beneficial to you, because, everyone requirement is different. I too continously change the ways I told you above, as per my need. I cannot thus perfectly frame the things, but I just wanted to give you some ideas...MAKE this as base, and try to build your own ways......


Padhai buri cheez nai hai bhai...bas interest ke sath samjho jo v padhte ho,relate karo with practical life....phr dekhna maza aane lagega....ratoge toh bore v lagege aur galat bhi karoge apne sath. Avi tk aisa nai v kiye toh no need to regret...coz you can change mistake of years in just few months at any time when you realize it...


and I would want for friends who have interest in other fields ,that you should build up study interest for atleast 4-5 years ...till your education gets over or you achieve required qualification for getting good JOB.. After that whole life you can enjoy and focus on your real interest(may be sports, singing,dancing etc) proudly..just a matter of some years to focus..

For the ones seriously interested in PSUs try to get very good GATE score because in most psu's interview, maximum weightage is given to your gate score, even more than interview. I have seen students who have been called for interview, even they cleared interview but finally couldnot make it when interview+gate score is considered together. A good rank will give you any iits or nits but for psu, give some more efforts in your gate preparation is required. And I am not saying that only very high rankers get PSUs and rest get IIT or NIT...No its not so...but for being in safe side, you prepare best...and ya give your best.. and for most IITs they take direct admission based on GATE score only..

Now I will share my interview experiences for sure.....

. Firstly I will share my TCS interview experience( CAMPUS PLACEMENT) in which I was selected in EIS stream i.e; Engineering & Industrial Services...
They took long 2hrs interview,they asked everything....I must say this is the best interview process among all I attended including PSUs. Math,mechanics,manufacturing,RAC,thermodynamics,fluid mechanics everything....but basic and easy questions.....They where really impressed by me and gave me chocolate at the, I was like at the top of the world..... ;)
However I didnot joined,as I cleared GATE...!

. Then I had an opportunity to appear for BARC interview basing on gate score (for mechanical cutoff was 723 GATE SCORE in 2014 and 765 in 2015) and  in interview I secured 550 but unfortunately interview cutoff was 600...They asked questions :-
1. why efficiency of rankine cycle is less?
2. why temperature decreases in throttle valve?
3. stress distribution in hollow cylinder while bending?
4. bending moment and shear stress diagram.
5. longitudinal and transverse weld ...which is weaker...
6. In VCRS cycle if on decreasing condensor pressure COP increases then why it is not desirable to decrease it much higher...?
7. If you made a cup of Tea for you guest just before arrival, what would you prefer:-
     - To add sugar just before he comes.
     - To add sugar just after he comes.
and many such questions....:)

. Then I gave interview in IOCL and RITES LTD but in these interviews were very short and basic questions. In IOCL they asked how you will measure pressure drop in pipe with increasing cross-section and important properties of material and in RITES they asked about Common Rail Diesel Engine, Cavitation, Optimization, how to control pollution, venturimeter etc.

And do give all exams like isro,ongc,bel,grse,barc etc..yes they conduct their own exam. Mostly psus  take from GATE score.  BARC have both the options-GATE and also its online test...Give both to increase chance of getting interviewed. Barc even consider your old gate score, if its valid as per IIT rules.

And I am also sharing with you one more interview experience of one student Amit Barak from made easy...


1) BARC INTERVIEW - totally technical interview . quite lenthy , in my case it lasted for 75 minutes . Normally there is a panel of 5 interviewrs , who are very much supportive and keep giving on hints wherever required . The interview starts with very basic questions and slowly slowly the difficulty level of questions is raised .
For clearing BARC interview one should have good command over basics , As the interview is pure technical and lenghty so atleast 5-6 subjects should be prepared as favourite subjects. ANALYTICAL APPROACH to solve a problem should be developd while preparing for BARC interview .

2) HPCL INTERVIEW - 95% of the interview is H.R and 5% of the interview is technical . Though in my case it was 100% H.R . Interview lasts for 15-20 minutes on the average. A panel of 6 members is there for the interview .
For clearing HPCL interview fill the biodata form carefully ( biodata form is provided by them only at the time when they shortlist candidates for interview ) . Prepare in detail about ur hobbies , extra and co curricular activities , why HPCL , ur strenghts weakness etc etc . Be confident and Relaxed during the interview .

3) IOCL INTERVIEW - selection process for IOCL consists of 4 steps
a) shorlisting on the basis of gate rank .
b) Group discussion
c) Group Task
d) Personel interview
in G.D 2 topics are given , the group only has to decide on which 1 topic they will discuss. The group is of 7-8 aspirants usually . 15-18 minutes are provides to discuss over a topic , aspirants have a choice wheathr they will speak in HINDI or ENGLISH .
in Group Task , a situation is given to the group. The group has to discuss the situation and frame some steps on how they will tackle the situation. And finally one member of the group recites the steps/measures in front of the panel members , uslually there are 2 members.
Interview in IOCL usually lasts for 20-25 minutes . usually there are 4 members in the panel . Ouestions from FLUID MACHINERY are repeatedly asked . The interview is 50% H.R and 50% TECHNICAL .
prepare well for group discussion and group task , The topics for G.D and G.T are very simple and common . Just a bit of survey will give u the idea of topics . Prepare fluid machinery very well and especially PUMPS. Prepare about yourself and their favourite question " happiest moment in life ".

I got CRYOGENICS ENGG ,OCEAN ENGG in IIT Kharagpur and thermal in IIT Madras basing on just GATE score as I have already said. But I didnt join. And I got call from iit bombay and iisc bangalore for written test but I didnt go due to exams in my college. One advice friends, while filling up forms of IITs or NITs always see your rank and previous year cutoffs and accordings you fill up subjects choices. If I would have given design or manufacturing in iit kgp as preferences then may be I would have got that...If I would have given Mechanics in iit delhi...I would have got that but unfortunately I didn't gave these as preferences and thus I suffered and check in every iits or nits site if they have given schedule of counselling and arrange tickets beforehand kiuki many iits call you just 3-4 days after sending call letter.So even if  you dont know whether you'll be shortlisted or not ,tickets kr lo and baad mei cancel kr dena agr nai jarurat raha toh. kiuki train tickets milna muskil ho jata hai and yes you can go for FLIGHTS too, if you desire.....and if you are OBC please do confirm that you dont belong to creamy layer..just try to get certificate of NCL before hand I was non-creamy layer and I applied to all PSUs with this but unfortunately authorities didnt issued to OBC NCL certificate of 2014 since I was recently shifted to creamy layer(means general) due to increment in my father's salary..So, even I qualified in general category I had to request all companies to allow me for selection process..and  some companies listened me but HPCL didnt allowed me, even I was qualifying in general just because I filled category wrong. However I filled as general category in IITs so no problem there.  Please take care of all these issues .

 These are my mistakes you don't do that and also if necessary go even to longer distance iits...I got nearby(kanpur)  thats why I didnt go far..And do apply for NITs also along with IITs even if your rank is very good...kiuki agar kismat kharab hua aur IIT nai mila toh NIT hi bachayega and in case NIT v mila, then you can go there and parallely prepare ,in case you get well score next year,leave that and join IITs .... :) and those who get less rank in GATE and not getting M.Tech may get ph.D in IIT but you have to give interview and interview is easy. Ph.D means 5 yrs with 1 yr only study and rest 4 yrs no classes, just project work. Phd gets stipend of 25000/month while M.Tech gets 12400/month. Doing Phd, is not at all difficult ,provided you are sincere. But yes one who do M.Tech in IITs, gets chance to do PhD in foreign universities easily but you have to score good CPI ,i.e, 9.0 to get good university and minimum 8.0 is must. So better think twice whether you are really interested in direct PhD or prefer to prepare for gate again next year and give another try but yes for PhD low very low gate scorers are called too. For M.Tech, you need good rank. Try for M.Tech.(my recommendation and if you are unable to get M.Tech, after two attempts, then go for direct PhD (your choice). You can apply for both program i.e, M.Tech and Direct PhD, if you wish, for being in safe side, in any IITs.

JOBS ka kami nai hai bhailog. Always keep yourself up to date and apply for good jobs whether govt. or private...and yes even if you get good job before getting good rank in GATE, you try to parallely prepare for gate too while doing your job in calm and cool way... :)

And be UPDATED ki when PSUs or IITs or NITs or other colleges like BIT sindri, BITS Pilani etc ka apllication filling notification aa raha on net...regularly check sites and consult with friends or teachers of made easy..


                 A must watch video below. Please see to it.

M.Tech Guidance by S.K Mondal sir 

GATE-2016 Qualified Candidates

Please fill up form as maximum as possible. Because in the initial stage most of IITs and NITs will be occupied by students who finally go to PSUs. So number of vacancies will be created and if you will be continuously in touch with IITs and NITs you will be able to enter there but for that you have to apply. That so why i have given a complete plan with rank where you have to apply. 
Candidate who secured marks 50 to 65 please join any NIT where you can continue your preparation like IIT BHU, DCE, ISM Dhanbad(Excpt.Thermal), NIT Jamshedpur, MANIT Bhopal, NIT Kurukshetra, NIT Patna.....etc....but for this case first contact seniors who are already there and talk to them about preparation possible or not.
Students secured marks 35 to 50 try again. Its my personal view. But below 35 join private job. Contact your seniors who are doing private job. GATE is not last option. There are 225 more PSUs and IES, RRB, State Govt. Job....ample opportunities left.

1. PSUs will call upto AIR 1000 but upto AIR 500 confirmed and rest depends on performance on GD&PI. Apply upto AIR1500.
NITIE Mumbai is a good option but AIR 500 to AIR 3000 should apply. Final selection based on GD and PI. If not selected in PSUs it is best option for placement.
M Tech is excellent and after M tech from IISc and Top IIT sky is the limit
IISC: apply AIR1 to AIR 100 After M Tech go Abroad, Sky is the limit.
IITD: all made easy students want this IIT so cutoff is 800 score. But it is not a satisfactory IIT in terms of average package and international oppurtunities. Apply upto score 750
IIT Mumbai: upto AIR 1000 should apply
It is best IIT for job

IIT Kanpur: upto AIR 1250 should apply
It provides placement and abroad

IIT Kharagpur: upto AIR 1500 can apply
It provides placement and abroad

IIT Madras: mostly South Indian students are there and AIR 350 to AIR 1000 can apply
IIT Roorkee: AIR 400 to AIR 2000 apply
Industry and Teaching placement

IIT Guwahati: AIR500 to AIR 2500 apply 
Mainly Teaching job

NIT trichy, Warangal and suratkal are better than new IITs
AIR 500 to AIR 3000

SVNIT Surat good option.
For New IITs
AIR 750 to AIR 3500 apply

For NITs one common form have to be submitted
AIR 500 to AIR 6000 apply

State colleges 
AIR 3000 to AIR 10000 apply

Every student has to fill at least 10 form.
BARC is excellent 
AIR 1 to AIR 2000 can apply but final selection based on Interview
All qualified and non qualified students can apply for BARC with written exam

Old students who are doing M Tech are already guiding new students. In my old post contact seniors only. For each and every PSUs and IIT and NIT please contact concern seniors which is available in my old post. In my 16 Mar post on FACEBOOK you find to whom you have to contact.
This AIR for general candidate
For OBC candidate AIRx1.5 kar lo
For sc candidates AIR x 2.5 kar lo
For ST candidate AIR x 4 kar lo 
Jo Mai General candidate k liye diya

For M Tech
1. Design
2. Thermal
3. Production
4. Industrial

Interdisciplinary not recommended. But if you are interested in teaching or PhD. Join interdisciplinary course of IITs. Aerospace is sounding very good but no job opportunity.
Opportunity is not ended here. All IIT and Some NIT is conducting test for MS program. If selected MS is better than M. Tech.

                     IES TIPS BY Praveen Kulkarni KAME 

Guys, he has cleared IES exam twice with 39th rank and 14th rank.

1)  Cover all subjects from objective point of view. Solve last 10 years of objective type questions. 
2)  Don't refer any guide for solutions, for authentic solutions, refer standard text books only.
3)  Deliberately some objective questions are lengthy, leave those questions initially and after covering complete paper, attempt these questions.
Manage time properly
For attempting conventional papers, you can leave one subject from each paper which you feel it as tough.
Coventional answers should be presented as follows:

 (a) write given data
state assumptions

 (c) draw figures with pencil
 (d) solve problem with neat steps
 (e) keep the required answer in box
 (f) if possible, give concluding remarks.

Daily spend 12 hours for preparation with 5 hours for each paper and 2 hours for General studies and English.

And now I am going to give you S.K mondal sir questions along with theory. Please note that these are not a made easy notes. Distributing made easy notes is a strict offense. Hence, I can not give any notes of made easy. S.K mondal sir is one of the reputed made easy teacher and these notes below are his personal content which he shared on his FB page once. 


1.   Link 2  (S.K Mondal sir questions, important theories, explanations, tips, books)

2. Then screen with all folders will be displayed. See upper right corner. There will be sign in option. Sign in with your gmail account.(after this they may ask for casual mobile verification which you can skip).

3. Then again you will see screen containing folders. See upper right corner. And click on ''add to drive'' and then click on ''open in drive'' (after u click on option add to drive it will change to open in drive on same window instantly).

4. Then select all folders by clicking on check box next to them and then click on ''more'' which you can find just below the google search bar on same window and then ''download''.

Before leaving my blog, I request you to answer question at the top-right corner of my blog ,with any of the 4 choices given. Jisko v lage my blog helped him in any way just comment for sure and for commenting goto comment box below or click on comments. Also please hit the share button on left side of  your screen, to share it with your friends. Mujhe acha lagega. I just want success of deserving people and haan any doubts regarding MECHANICAL subjects or questions of my interview, please ask. I will surely reply to you.

You must add/follow two persons mentioned below:

1.  Ashcharya Bansal sir click here  :)
2.  Swapan Kumar Mondal sir click here :)

"Guys, coming one year is gonna be very busy life for me, considering which I have removed all my contacts details from here. I will be back in mid of 2017. Please donot comment any queries in the comment box below by then. But before leaving, I want to tell you something. In IIT you know what the best thing I learned. Its to acknowledge the person who intentionally help you alot. So, if you feel that you got a good level help (if only) from my blog, then I expect that someday after your success, you will come back here to express your gratitude through commenting in the comment box below. So that I can see it and smile proudly :) "


  1. Awesome bro... Even m nt from mech.. I liked it.. Its jz like social service which u r doing.. Good going... Keep it up :) hail Vinay :)

    1. nai service nai.... ye mera responsibility hai!! :)

  2. Thank you Vinay. It really feels great to see such a novel gesture to help your fellow professional brothers. I am glad that I read your blog. I also went through the download links you shared. I need some help from you in that regard. Please email me at

  3. Suberb broo......good job....keep it up...thnks a lottt....

  4. nice job helped me in predicting which college i can get....thanks for sharing PSU's experience

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. vinay bhai agar mera ka percentage 60 na ho aur gate mei acha rank aae to mujhe iit mei admission milsakta h kya

    1. Bhai in iit kanpur among "55%" and "minimum passing marks of university", whichever is GREATER for gen/obc and for sc/st they are just required to have degree (only for iit kanpur)......But for other IITs 60% is a must if you are general /obc and 55% for sc/st..... Try to score atleast 60% or above bhai.

    2. By university, I meant your B.Tech's institute and all the minimum percentage requirement is ONLY for qualifying degree i.e, B.Tech.

  7. This is wonderful sir, there is lot of amazing information for every engineer who wanna make a difference. Thank you so much vinay sir.
    Blessings from jaipur made easy 2019 batch.
    Keep supporting us.
